turned 8 months old last week (3-26-12)! My goodness!
Height: Not sure, check up next month
Weight: i'm guessing around 22 lbs, he's one heavy little guy!
Food: anything and everything baby food wise and formula of course-- he loves his bottle! We do not feed him table food yet (with the exception of mashed potatoes). I waited until spicer was a year for that so we'll do the same for him. He did try some vanilla yogurt from goodies this week and of course loved that!
Sleep: He is sleeping MUCH better these days! PTL! For a few weeks he's been going to sleep in his bed around 8 or 8:30, and sleeps a couple of hours there. Then, when he wakes, I just put him in bed with me and SB and he sleeps like a "baby" with us for the remainder of the night. But, last night he slept the entire night in his bed! He woke at 5:30 so i thought he wanted to get in bed with us but he started crying when I put him up there, so gave him a bottle and he went back to sleep in his bed until around 8! WOWZERS! I sure hope this is what he's planning to do from now on, but if not, that's fine. I really don't mind him sleeping with me. He is so big I know i won't roll over on him and he doesn't move around much so he really doesn't affect my sleep. Now, him crying all night and waking several times when he's in his bed does affect my sleep, lol! So, I guess, for the past few weeks he's been sleeping around 10-11 hours each night. PTL!
Clothes: 9-12 months (mainly 12 months though) size 5 shoes and he wears size 4 diapers
New stuff: CRAWLING! He started crawling 5 days after he turned 8 months old! He'd been getting into crawling position the entire month and just couldn't figure out how to go forward. he would go backward a bit and get to what he wanted somehow and then get so very frustrated. I'm so glad he has started crawling (never thought i'd say that, ha) because i felt so bad for his frustration and he just wanted me to carry him around all the time. lol! This morning when i brought him into the living room he actually wanted me to put him down! He's ready to go now! he can also get into the sitting position from the crawling position to and it seems like he's trying to stand up on his own, but can't do that just yet. He does pull up on some things but hasn't started walking around furniture just yet. I've got a feeling i'm going to be one very busy mommy for the next few months! but i love it! He also started babbling some this month. He hasn't been much of a talker to this point, just a squealer! ha!
Favorites: His favorite thing to do his walk around while holding your hands. But i've got a feeling, now that he's crawling, he'll really like that too! He loves being outside and swinging in his new swing by big sister! He loves riding on our razor. We took him on it last night for the first time and he almost fell asleep. Guess I know what to do if I can't get him settled! He is a momma's boy! and I love that! But as soon as daddy gets home he gets more excited than anything! Loves his daddy! He started saying da-da-da this month, but not necessarily to Jared. It's so sweet seeing how excited he gets to see daddy! Of course he still loves big sister! They are playing so well together! I just love watching them play! Just precious!
Mommy and Daddy Praise the Lord for you sweet Axl Joe (a.k.a. brother)!
*Toward the middle of the month he goes to Children's for a CT scan of the bump on his forehead. Hopefully it's just a hemangioma under the skin and not a cyst. If it is a cyst they will need to remove it via surgery. ugh. He will need to be sedated for the CT scan and I'm not looking forward to that. God's got it though.
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