My sweet baby is quickly becoming a toddler! She turned 11 months old a few days ago. Where in the world have 11 months gone? Time has always flown with kids, but, this third time around has "really" flown! Crazyland Flown! lol! My happy go lucky 11 month old is walking, jabbering, playing with the "big" kids well she's basically doing everything now. I'm happy and sad at the same time. Happy because she's healthy and growing but sad because she's toddling and not just being a baby anymore. Oh, don't get me wrong, she's still my baby though! Her hair has really grown a lot lately and yes it's curly like big sis and big bro. So many people have told me how my three kiddos could be triplets. It's true! They look so much alike right now. They are similar in so many ways yet so different! I love their individuality! Judah Lou can hold her own with the big kids too. If she isn't liking something, boy howdy will she let them know about it! No teeth yet and thank goodness because she's gonna be a biter! lol! Spicer and Axl better watch out if they aggrevate her! We are loving life and having the best time raising our three sweet blessings! Praise God from whom all blessings flow. (Next post will be the big year! a little tear...) ;)