My Three Blessings!

My Three Blessings!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

White Christmas 2012!

Blessed. That pretty much sums up this Christmas! Jared and I are so overjoyed with the blessing of our precious little family. Spicer Beth and Axl Joe and baby #3 are blessings straight from Heaven. They filled this Christmas full of love, laughter and joy. Spicer can tell you the story of baby Jesus without leaving out a single part and Axl Joe, well he just is so funny! Both kiddos keep us laughing! Now that Spicer is getting older and understanding more we are working hard to keep the gifts she receives from mommy and daddy low key. We want to keep the focus on Jesus being the greatest gift of all. She and Axl each had 3 gifts from mommy and daddy just like Jesus received 3 gifts from the wise men. Spicer was all about unwrapping her gifts but Axl could care less! lol! Spicer opened his for him. He was however pretty pumped about his little RZR rtv! (it was too big to wrap). Spicer said the best part about Christmas is baby Jesus! PTL! She is getting it! This year it actually snowed Christmas afternoon! SNOWED!! Unbelievable! A white Christmas! Wow! Of course the kiddos loved that and mommy and daddy did too! Thank you Jesus for the joys of Christmas!
Spicer Beth: Age 4 Axl Joe: Age 17 mths Baby #3: 16 weeks in belly :)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Spicer Beth

My precious first born is growing up way to fast! She turned the big "4" years old a few weeks ago and Jared and I just can't hardly believe it! This girl has brought so much joy and blessing into our lives. She has also taught us how to love in a way we never knew we could! Spicer Beth LOVES life! I learn from her joy and zeal each day. I'm convicted by her life. The way she cares, loves God and gives. She's just unbelievable! Jared and I always joke and say she's like an adult in a 4 year old body! ha! This year she wanted to have her birthday party at the Monkey House. What fun! Several of her sweet little friends were able to attend and oh how she loves her friends! We also had so many family members who were able to come celebrate with us as well. It was a great time! On her actual birthday she wanted to eat lunch at Cheddars, rent movies and eat popcorn in our jammies. A girl after her momma's heart! Love love her! Spicer told me this morning that the best part about Christmas and the funnest part about Christmas is Jesus! Praise the Lord that he is so real to her at this very young age! Thank you Jesus for our precious 4 year old Spicer Beth!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Baby #3!!

Wow! I'm not quite sure if I ever expected to be doing a post about "baby fowler #3!" In the past, I've always had rough, difficult pregnancies with many challenges, nothing too awful, but just enough "hard" to make me rethink another pregnancy. lol! So this for me to be giving pregnancy a "third" go, is totally a God thing! On August 21st we had a consulation with a doctor for permanent contraception, i.e. no more babies for this family. I was totally against it, but Jared felt it was best for my health. Well we made the appointment to have the procedure the following week and left. Deep in my heart I wanted a third child for our precious family. They are such blessings after all. But, at the same time the uncertainties of my health kept us from pushing forward with that. The following day I was kneading some dough and praying. I basically just told the Lord if he wanted us to have another baby that he would just have to make me get pregnant that week! lol! Well... no more than 10 minutes after praying this Jared calls. He said he had been picking weeds (he does lawn maintenance) and praying and really felt like we were supposed to have another baby!!! Wow God! Total confirmation! He said the only reason he hadn't wanted to was because of my health during pregnancy and if Dr. Bell gave us the ok that we would pursue having another child. Awesome! So, I immediately call to get the the doctor's ok. And of course, I got it! PTL! So that was August 22. A little more than a month later, on October 1, we found out we were expecting baby fowler #3! Whew! FAST!!! Oh yeah, rewind a little bit... all summer long Spicer had been telling us that she wanted a baby sister. We would just say, well, that's something you need to talk to Jesus about because we're just not sure about another baby (even though I'd had baby fever since Axl was 6 mths old!). So she did just that, she talked to Jesus about it! So, when we told her we were pregnant, you can only imagine her excitement!!! She jumped up and down, said halleljuah, Axl God answered my prayer! Abundant joy beamed from her! She told me she was going to help me and take care of me. And for days after she would look at me and say, "mommy, you pregnant!" Just to make sure I was still pregnant! What a blessing! I can't tell you how much her excitement about our baby was an enormous blessing to Jared and I! Now, if she can just get that baby sister! lol! We've explained that we don't get to pick, and she says we will love it if it's a boy or a girl! :) So... there you have it! The story of fowler baby #3! It's thanksgiving day and I'm currently 11 weeks pregnant and doing well(other than a sinus inf)! My morning sickness hasn't been near as bad this time, PTL! We saw the baby's heartbeat via ultrasound at 7 weeks and it was 129 bpm. Then, the other day heard it via doppler and it was 171 bpm!!! Pumping strong! Thank you Jesus for the blessing of Children! We praise you for baby #1, #2, and now #3! Blessed and Thankful-- Kerri

Friday, November 09, 2012

Where have I been?!

I really don't know why i've been m.i.a. in the blog world lately. Guess I've just got out of the blogging groove! I am glad to be back in action now! I've got two precious kiddos (with another on the way, i'll blog about that later) who are growing up before my very eyes! I blog to have the precious memories that we can look back on. If I don't write it down, I forget easily. It's fall time around here! It has been a beautiful fall in Arkansas! We are so blessed to live where we live. The Fowler family has not let a fun fall activity pass us by! We headed to the pumpkin patch a couple of times. We went the first time for a fun playdate and the second time as a family. We love it! We also went to a friend's house for a little halloween party play date and to our church fall festival on halloween! Fun fun times! We love fall festivities and are looking forward to celebrating Jared's birthday, Spicer's birthday and Thanksgiving! And then Christmas! Yay! God is good and we are thankful! :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sister's baby pack in play!

Axl got in the baby pack in play this morning and got the biggest kick out of it! He laughed and laughed in that thing! He's such a funny boy! Love my days at home with my boy! :)

Playtime at the park!

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Lake day fun!

I love the lake but haven't officially been in years (like 5-7, something crazy)! But today we took care of that and headed to the lake with some dear friends. This was spicer's very first lake trip other than just swimming. Brother was running a fever so he stayed home with ma. We tubed, swam, lounged and wake boarded. Spicer loved riding the tube and I'm not gonna lie, I flipping loved it too! Tubing is one of my favorite things at the lake. I even gave in and wake boarded. I used to wake board all the time in high school but haven't in years. I could feel myself getting really nervous when it was my turn thinking I wouldn't even be able to get up, but I did! Every time! Crazy, but it's kinda like riding a bike I guess and boy is that a workout!! Praise the lord for a great day with sweet friends who blessed our socks off and my precious family (minus little man :'()!

Friday, September 07, 2012

interview with SB

Age: 3 years 10 months What is your name: Spicer. Fowler Spicer Beth :) How old are you: 3 (free) shows her fingers too Favorite color: pink and purple Who is your best friend: Madison, Bella, Natalie (analie), and Micah What do you want to be when you're all grown up: just a momma, no actually, I want to go to school first then stay home with my kids Favorite animal: pig Favorite movie: the pointy nose movie (despicable me)and Monsters inc. Favorite book: goldilocks and 3 little pigs and wolf What makes you happy: going ona date with daddy What makes you sad: When a friend moves away and when a friend plays with someone else besides me favorite food: chicken nuggets favorite song: she made up a song (lol) and father abraham favorite game: my own little games, mommas phone and pretending to be pregnant :) Praise the Lord for this precious child!

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Dancing queen...

Spicer Beth started back to dance this week! This year she will be taking ballet and tap! So cute and sweet! She of course loved it. Plus, two of her little buddies are in class with her! How fun is that! We are blessed! :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First day of preschool!

I sent my little sweetie spicer beth off to preschool this morning! The child absolutely loves school (which may pose a problem with my intentions to homeschool, but I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there!) I love that she loves it! It's such a great school and she just goes two days/week. I can handle two days, right?! ;) Can't wait to pick her up and see how her first day went! Btw the pic of me and her (lol)... We were supposed to be doing a hip popping pose together but I think by that pic she was done posing! Haha!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Axl joe-joe

This little guy is constantly making me laugh! One thing he loves to do is do anything he knows he's not supposed to do and look at me and smile!! Oh my! He is ornery! I can't tell you how many times he rips the corner guards off tables, and this is a big "no-no"! Goodness gracious boy! He is ALL boy for sure! Another thing he really likes to do is open and close the bathroom door while it's being occupied by me! Lol! I mean, a momma can't even use the bathroom privately! Ha! I took this pic of him doing just that the other day. Such a mess but of course we love him oh so much! :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Spicer Beth...

Could God have blessed me with a more perfect daughter for me?! I just don't think so! She's absolutely the best! The girl has a heart of gold and a laugh that just sends happiness through your body! I love her so so much! Spicer is constantly telling me she loves me and that she loves her brother during our days at home. She loves to play and for me to play with her. When Jared or I play with her she just thinks its the greatest thing ever and gets so excited! She gets so excited about everything! The girl is full of life! The "Spice" of life! Here are a few things she's said recently, things I want to remember about this age of her life and share with her when she's older. :)To Daddy before meeting her teacher the other night: "Daddy you look really handsome." then to me in the car later. "Mommy, daddy looks really handsome tonight, Axl looks really or re"dy" cute, I look pretty and you look really workout-pretty (because I had just worked out!lol!) She is constantly saying sweet things or words of encouragement to others. The other day we were driving home and talking about one of her friends being out of town and she said, "Mommy it's sad when someone you love is out of town." Then she said, "Mommy some people don't have a house to live in." I said, "I know, it's really sad, What do you think we should do about that?" She said, in the sweetest little concerned voice," Well... we can't really carry a house to them while we walk, but maybe we could get a house truck to take them a house." She's so concerned and aware of the needs of others. Sometimes when we are getting everyone their food for supper she wants to help get everyone's plate ready before herself. She is such a servant! She also says the sweetest little prayers. She prayers for our family and different things she knows about, and thanks Jesus for dying on the cross. Oh, just warms my heart! I just love watching this child grow and become more and more like Jesus each day. I could go on and on but this is all I'll say for now. Thank you Jesus for choosing me to be Spicer Beth's mommy!

Saturday, August 04, 2012

12 Months!

Axl turned One year old last week! Weight: 24 lbs 1 ounce Height: 30 1/2 inches Food: whole milk, and pretty much anything mashed a bit Teeth: 2 bottom Clothes: 12-18 months, although he can still wear some 9 month onsies Diaper: size 4 Shoe: size 6 and yes he will finally wear shoes for me! little stinker! Favorites: He loves cords, anything loud i.e. mowers, blowers, cars, trucks, planes (ya know, boy stuff), he loves to explore - he walks around the house constantly looking for something new and interesting and when we go somewhere new he's in heaven!, he likes sticks and blocks, he loves to be startled, he loves to be chased and thrown in the air, he likes doing back flips while mommy holds his shoulders. He loves playing with big sister! He also loves Ma's cows, he always says moo when we go over there and looks out in the pasture to see if the cows are there! New stuff: Walking and almost running at times! says dadda, momma, bye-bye and baby, and Ma (Jared's mom) most of the time he just says "ba" in the deepest, loudest little voice! cracks me up! Drinks whole milk now, bye-bye formula. We love you our sweet Joe-Joe!

Friday, August 03, 2012


This past weekend me and Jared were able to getaway to Mt. Magazine for a night. It was great! We pretty much just ate, relaxed and chatted! I sure do love my sweet husband the lord has blessed me with! :)

Jared was really cracking me up in these pictures!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Axl Joe!

Axl Joe is one year old today! He was born 3 weeks early at 12:19 pm on a Tuesday. He was a tiny little guy weighing in at a whopping 5 lbs 14 ounces and only 18 1/4 inches long! Jared and I loved how tiny he was! We really cherish those times now, because he his one BIG one year old! We love his chunkiness now though too! It's all such a blessing from the Lord!Little Man, I'm beyond blessed to be your mommy! We've both been through a lot in your first year! You've always been a healthy little guy, but have been through the ringer with tests making sure you are healthy. You've had an ultrasound, x-ray and ct scan all in this first year of life! Always turning out well, but sometimes a little nerve wracking at the time for your momma. You've always been such a trooper through it all. You're a pretty laid back little dude yet extremely rambunctious! You're a sweetie pie too! We love you little personality! You love animals! You love to explore! You love walking and trying to run! You are for sure a go-getter! One of your very favorite things to do is take a shower with daddy! I mean, you LOVE it! Daddy loves it too! Daddy and I are so blessed to be your parents! We thank God for each new day he trusts us to be your mommy and daddy! He has great plans for you Axl Joe Steven!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Sb got her ears pierced a few weeks ago for the second time! We tried a few months back but they got infected because one ear didn't pierce all the way through the first time. Yikes! Not a good experience. But this time was great! Spicer Beth didn't even cry! She had asked me to do it earlier this week and was persistent, so I told her if she was ready we could do it!


Thank you Jesus for these two precious little blessings!!!

Monday, July 02, 2012


This is a long one... Wow! Did June fly by or what?! I've decided that it for sure is one of my favorite months of the year! Not too hot but hot enough to swim and full of fun summer time activities! love it! Man, was our June cram-packed! We kicked it off with VBS at church. It was such a joy to take "both" my kiddos with me this year! I love working at VBS. This year I was able to teach scripture to the kiddos! such a blessing seeing the kids learn God's word. And they learn sooooo fast!
June was a month of mini-vacations for us. We went to Mt. Magazine, OKC and Branson! Three of our very favorite places! Actually, I think we hit up Mt. Magazine twice recently... at the end of May and then again on Father's day weekend. It's so close to us so it's such an easy get-away! When at Mt. Magazine we pretty much chill, swim and eat! In OKC we visited with our sweet friends, hit up white water bay, went to the zoo, took a carriage ride, stayed at a super sweet hotel (for half price!) and ate some amazingly yummy food! One the carriage ride our driver told us our hotel was supposedly haunted, Freaked me out! Jared loves that kind of stuff doesn't bother him a bit, not me! I kept thinking some weird lady was going to look at me in the mirror like people had said. I know, i'm so silly that stuff just really bothers me. Jared got a kick out of that though! I honestly was ready to pack our bags and get another hotel (of course, i didn't tell jared that). I just prayed through it! You know, we all have our weaknesses and stuff like that is mine for some reason. Anyway, it was nonetheless a wonderful trip! Our last little vacation of the month took us to Branson for a some work/play. I attended a Juice Plus Bootcamp which I recently began distributing (I'm loving this by the way). Jared ended up hanging out with the kids most of the day Saturday while I got educated. Saturday evening we went to the Landing. Always fun! and then Sunday we went to White Water! Our family LOVES waterparks! After the waterpark we ended up riding some little rides on the strip with SB and then Jared and SB rode go-carts together for the first time! They both loved that! They are such big buddies! I love it! What else in June? We celebrated Father's Day! My kids are beyond blessed with an amazing daddy! I mean amazing! Spicer Beth got her ears pierced! We've tried before but didn't work out. This time it has worked out great and she's been super excited about it! She didn't even cry! Tough girl! Spicer Beth and daddy went on their very first date together. Jared brought her flowers home before the big date! They went to Chuck E. Cheeses and to see the movie Brave! I'd say that makes for one awesome date! That girl is going to know how a guy should treat her! She was especially excited because it was her very first time to ride in daddy's truck. We recently got her a car seat that we can move from vehicle to vehicle. ;) And Axl Joe graduated to a forward facing car seat too! Do kids grow up fast or what?! Crazy! We finished the month of June off with Swimming lessons. SB kinda has a love/hate relationship with swimming lessons. Some days she likes it just fine other days she has major melt downs about swimming under water for long periods of time. I'm confident in saying she can now swim across a good size pool under water! It's unbelievable to me! She just has to continue working on her "Big" arms! Axl Joe wasn't slighted, he took lessons too. He only lasted about 25 minutes each day then needed a nap! He went under too! Scared me to death! I actually screamed as the teacher swooped him under water! We love miss Jane though! She's been teaching lessons for years and years so i trust her! Thank You Jesus for these precious times with my sweet family! We don't take a moment for granted!