Life with three is blessed and "BUSY!" I've had several people ask, "so what's it like with three?" Some of these peeps are just curious and some are considering a third child and want to know if it's doable. Well, I think the two "B's" say it all! Blessed. The bible speaks of children being a blessing from the Lord. And that, they most definitely are. Our three, bring so much joy to our lives each day. There are times that I'm honestly overwhelmed by the Lord and his blessing on our family with these three children. The blessing comes from the joy they bring, the fun we have but also from the lessons we learn. God has taught me so much through my children. Motherhood is not for the weary. Being a home "manager" is not for the weak, especially for this woman! Homemaking has never came easy for me. I always new I wanted to be a "stay at home mom," but didn't really know what all that would entail! lol! So that brings me to the second "b." Busy. I'm one busy little bee each day now that we have 3 little ones 4 and under. I feel like my day starts and ends before I can even blink! It's been starting around 4:30 or 5:00 lately and ending around 10:00-12:00. My sweet baby is a great sleeper! Ptl! But at 6 weeks old a great sleeper sleeps 6-8 hours each night. Momma still has many chores to accomplish before I can get some sleep! lol! Throughout my day I feed Judah Lou 5-6 times, get the big kids breakfast, lunch and dinner, play with the big kids (either at home or park), give Judah Lou some tummy/play time, run errands, give all my kiddos snuggle and love time, clean up after each meal, get snacks/juice/milk etc. all the while trying to keep up with laundry (for a family of 5) and our house neat and tidy! It can be overwhelming at times (if I'm not leaning on the Lord). All you mommy's out there know what I'm talking about! It's a big job! and just like my sweet husband said the other night, "A mother's work is never done," as I was adding a load of laundry to the dryer around 9 pm! He's absolutely right! Some days I feel like I haven't accomplished one thing, even though I haven't stopped for a moment that day. But no matter what, on those days, I know I have accomplished something. My kids are loved! They know this and feel it! They know daddy and I love them, but most importantly they know our sweet Savior Jesus loves them. And that's the most important thing of all! So to all my peeps who want to know what life is like with three, there you have it. It most certainly is blessed! And yes, it's very, very busy (at this stage) but, it's all so very very worth it! I'm 100% thankful the Lord called me to be mommy to these three precious children. I pray I point them toward Him each and every day. To God be the Glory!